Robot Program Post Processor (downloader)

Comau added to package in original post.


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Kuka Sunrise added to package in original post.


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Hi Keke,

we are trying to use KUKA.SIM.Pro 3.1.2 and we want to use SLIN-Commands to generate a path. Can we use your new PP also for KUKA.SIM.Pro?

How can we add this PP in KUKA.SIM.Pro, if it is possible?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,


PP doesnā€™t work with Kuka.Sim unfortunately. Reason is that motion statements in KS are different from VC and PP doesnā€™t recognize them. In API KS motion statementsā€™ type is actually custom statement and their execution logic is built into a plugin by Kuka.

Do note that KRC interpolates SLIN points bit differently than LIN points especially when using blending (AccuracyValue>0). And VC controller is closer to how KRC interpolates LIN motions. So VC cannot accurately simulate SLIN postions but PP still allows you to process them as such. Therefore you would need to validate the program and the path with real controller when using SLIN.


Hi Keke,

we are currently trying to import a programme onto our Cobot (Doosan M1013). However, the Doosan Cobot cannot read the exported file format .script. The Cobot exports and reads only .tb files ā€¦

Do you have any idea what the problem could be?

Kind regards,



I couldnā€™t validate Doosan PP with a real robot unfortunately. I just used their programming manual (Doosan_Robotics_Programming_Manual_v1.2_Eng.pdf) to write the commands. Manual documents DRL commands pretty well but it doesnā€™t actually say which format the file should be. So I just posted the output as .script. I donā€™t know if the file extension needs to be changed to .tb or if thereā€™s a way to add a script block (like in UR) in the program and load the PP result there.


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Hi Keke,

thanks for your quick reply. Unfortunately there is no opportunity to add a script block, only to import .txt-files as a program block. Whole programs can only be imported as .tb files.
Is it possible to change the output format of the PP from .script to .tb?

Kind regards,


Sure itā€™s possible. Did you test changing extension from .script to .tb manually and were you able to load the program then?

BR, Keijo

I was trying to postprocess Yaskawa SDA10D robots program, but thereā€™s an issue with it.

The translator includes only 6 axels (SLURBT), but in this robot there are 7 axels (SLURBTE).

So it doesnā€™t work.

Is there any possibility to fix this?


Hi @niinahalo,

I didnā€™t test Yaskawa PP with any 7 axis models and it seems that PP doesnā€™t work with them or at least SDA10D. With SDA10D there seems to be a problem that the arms are connected to the body which has one joint of its own and the PP canā€™t handle it but thereā€™s on indexing error for that ā€œexternal axisā€. For some other 7 axis models PP does produce a JBI but I canā€™t say for sure if the contents of the job and its positions is correct for 7 axis robot.

Anyway I need to look into Yaskawa PP at some point if I could include support for 7 axis models.


Hi Keke,

I have changed the extension from .script to .tb manually and then I was able to run the programm. However, there was quite a bit of effort involved, as this file type is relatively unusual. If thereĀ“s the opportunity to change the output-file of the PP I would be very pleased.

Kind regards,


Thanks for info @Niklas . Yeah sure I can make the change from .script to .tb. I was just wondering whether there are any other changes needed to get it working besides the file extension. Iā€™ll try to update the PP this week.


Hi @Niklas,

I changed the Doosan format to .tb. Updated PP is in the original message.


Many thanks @keke ,
IĀ“ll try it out immediately.

Good morning Keke,

unfortunately it didnĀ“t work. I think it would be better to change the PP back to .script.
Has anyone had any experience with doosan?

Many Greetings


No we havenā€™t validated Doosan with a real robot so it seems that there are some bugs that need to be fixed for the program to work. Iā€™ll be in touch with you by direct message.


Doosan output changed to .py and ā€œfrom DRCF import *ā€ added to ouput file. Now PP output should work when you import it to Doosan program using ā€œCustom Codeā€ block.


Sure you changed that output back?
ItĀ“s still .tb with the PP Update.


Yeah in RobotPostProcessor_2021_01_25 Doosan is changed to .py. Just make sure to delete everything in old add-on folder before you unzip this new one.


Hyundai added to package in original post.
