Working Schedule


Is it possible to make a schedule for the resources when to work and when to have a break?


// Olle

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have a look at the Layout ā€œMachine Tending with Single vs. Double Gripperā€. There you have an example where Anna and Otto sometimes go take a break and go drink a cup of coffee that you could use as inspiration. :coffee:
Everything is defined in the process ā€œFull Palletā€ : there are statements for the actual work (transport out) and Work statement at a frame located in front of the coffee machine for the breaks.
If you want to show the breaks in statistics, you could use a GetProperty to access the statistics properties.

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An other solution is simply to have a Process Node in your Break room, or where you want your resources to take a break, and have delay and work statements. The resource will work on other processes in your layout during the Delay statements, and then comes at the ā€œBreakā€ Process Node for the work statement and stays there the given time.
You should also change the statistics properties if you want to see that as Idle or as some other State in the statistics.

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Here is also one approach, see this example layout:
ShiftsForProcesses Example.vcmx (719.6 KB)

The layout has a component called ā€˜List readerā€™, which has a Note behavior called ā€˜Dataā€™. It is as generic component used to parse one line at a time and copy its comma separated values to process routine variables defined in the first row.

In this case it has ā€˜durationā€™ and ā€˜contentsā€™, the first variable value is used in the process as delay and the latter is used to set the to component property ā€˜TimeTableContentsā€™. The component property value can be read by other components at any time. If the value is ā€˜Operationā€™, the CNC machines run the next cycle.

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Thank you so much for the respons!


Thank you for the help!

Hi ahven,

Where did you find the components called ''list reader ā€˜ā€™?

Also, when I add this I have a error.

I would like to know where you got the ListDataToVariable icon. I canā€™t find it, the only symbol that comes close is getAssemblyProperty. It requires this information.

However in your layout there are no properties for this component.

Iā€™m sorry, what was the error?

You can use Python API to create custom statements and define the icon, name and Properties for it. To define the onrun logic, i.e. what happens when the statement is executed, you need to use ProcessHandler script.

Check the PythonProcessHandler, it has a function to create the statement:

def create_stmt(name='ListToVariable', icon='Statement/ProcessModel/sGetAssemblyStepProperty'):
  process_exec = comp.getBehavioursByType(VC_PROCESSEXECUTOR)[0]
  process = process_exec.Processes[0]
  stmt = process.addStatement(VC_STATEMENT_PROCESS, 0, icon)
  stmt.Name = name
  stmt.Description = name
  stmt.getProperty('Name').IsVisible = False
  stmt.getProperty('icon').IsVisible = False
  stmt.getProperty('Tool').IsVisible = False
  stmt.getProperty('Base').IsVisible = False
  p = stmt.getProperty('Process')
  p.Value = this
  p.IsVisible = False