Very poor search results

Hi, because of some reason VC has incredibly large components hierarchy comparing to for example plant simulation, only way to make basic things is use search… without search there is practically no way to work with this software, BUT problem is that words matching totally fails and even 1:1 matches are not listed first (in smaller windows they are not even visible)

The problem is almost in every conveyor component for example.

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Which version of VC are you using? I think VC 4.9 added relevance sorting to the search, which prioritizes the search word occurrences in names instead of e.g. the description.
Before that the sort order was only selectable between things like alphabetical, date etc.

However, the search results still include all matches regardless of where in the component metadata all of the searched words appear in some form.

In your case the issue is probably that each word in the search query is considered separately and the word / string “to” is very common, appearing in many component and layout names and descriptions.

Instead of searching from the “All models” collection, you can get more relevant results by selecting some smart collection (blue folders), or “folder collection” (white folders) and searching only from there.