Use Cycle Time Calculator and Statistic panel



Can anyone help me out regarding how to use Cycle Time Calculator component from library as shown in Below picture. How to use statistic panel and how to add VCStatistics properties (Throughput) to Statistic panels?



A lesson has been made for the Cycle Time Calculator, and it should be published and available on October 14th, next Monday. In the meantime, use the Help button in the Cycle Time Calculator to get some info on it. Basically, connect a boolean signal to the calculator. When the signal value is True, the calculator starts monitoring the cycle time, and then the calculation stops when the signal value is False. One example is a transition signal in a machine when a part enters/leaves or Output statements of a robot before and after motions.

What is “statistics panel?” Do you mean the statistics display or lable in eCat? A recent lesson was added to Academy that explains how to use the statistics display component.