Touch up PTP using net command called from python

Hello, I have a kuka sim PTP command that i want to touch up to current robot position using python script.
Kuka commands dont react to changing JointValues in statement.positions.jointvalues. They only change their position when you select them and click the touchup button.
Afaik theres no touchup command in python api, but is there a .net command for touching up the point that could be run from python script? Something like this:

    statement = program.MainRoutine.Statements[0]
    netCommand = app.findCommand("netCommand") 


and as a side question, is there somewhere a list of net commands available to call via this function? I tried the intellisense approach described in the python api but it displayed something entirely different than it should according to the picture.

Hi kamen,
I am looking for the same.
Did you already find a solution?

No, I believe the only way is to dive in into .net programming which i have no time for. I was able to kinda-sorta bypass the issue by creating and using visual components move command instead of kuka sim commands, but their properties like name etc cant be changed in kuka sim so its an ugly solution

Hi, I stumbled across this question while browsing for another issue in the forum. You should check out the file which is located in the installation path of KUKA.Sim (C:\Program Files\KUKA\KUKA.Sim 4.3\Python\lib).
Just import the file in your Python script (e.g. from kuka import *) to use all the predefined functions from

setPosition(positionStatement, source)


updatePositionStatement(positionStatement, position, positionName)

should work for updating the position of a statement