Teaching a crane a pathway

Hello, is it possible to give a crane an exact path, it is important that it does not travel over an area where people are working.
Unfortunately, you cannot connect the crane controller to a pathway as you can with a forklift or a human.
Do you have any ideas?

Thank you very much

hi ,

maybe you can define a higher pick/ place approach in tab “LinkDefaults”:

or you set the approaches to 0mm and you use TransportNodes between the processes


Hello, thank you very much for your answer.
the 2nd option with the transport nodes is exactly what I’m looking for, I have your example nachgbeuat times, my only problem now, however, is still the solve and resume again, can you turn it off completely?
I have set grasp and release to 0, but it doesn’t quite work.
maybe i need to change something in the crane properties?

Crabe_Pathway.vcax (214.3 KB)

change also approaches/times in the other transport links, like from feeder to first TransportNode:

or last transport link, from last TransportNode to sink:

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Many thanks, works perfectly =)