How can I stop the conveyor with a signal from the robot, and then start it with another signal?
In my layout, the robot picks up the pallet from the ground and places it on the conveyor, but the conveyor immediately takes the pallet. I need the pallet to remain stationary on the conveyor until the robot sends a signal for it to move.
If you are using the conveyor components in eCatalog, it should come with a PowerOnSignal.
If you have created your own conveyor and it doesn’t have a signal, you can set the speed of the conveyor or the start/stop of the component using a pyhton script or by assigning a property or something like that.
Thank you for your help…
Unfortunately it doesn’t work
My transporter is from eCatalog, but it only has the “engine” signal and it’s not working.
You can add a Boolean signal to your component and control it using a Python script. Here’s an example:
from vcScript import *
comp = getComponent()
app = getApplication()
def OnSignal( signal ):
if signal.Name == ‘StartStopSignal’:
if signal.Value:
comp.findBehaviour(‘Path’).Speed = comp.getProperty(‘ConveyorSpeed’).Value
comp.findBehaviour(‘Path’).Speed = 0
This conveyor looks like old conveyor, you could create a boolean signal, add path to Connections, hope it works in your version.