Stack parts

Im trying to rotate line of rolls into stack of rolls.

Rolls come via conveyor to UpEnder which turns the rolls as a stack. However when I move the components to the next path next thing happens:

How can you move those two rolls as a stack? Is there some way to append that top roll on to that bottom roll. Physics modeling is out of the question.

Thanks in advance!

Found solution. At path properties ‘RetainOffset’ property was false. Setting it true solved.


Next problem. The upper piece leaves before the piece under it. Im stopping paths with path.Enabled command. And putting them back on when the turner has turned the stack.

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Needed to set the spaceUtiliztion property from true to false.

Moderators decide what to do with this topic. I’m sorry for spamming!


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Thanks for sharing the details with others who might struggle with similar problems.

Now I think the rolls are moving as separate components on the conveyor, and this could cause issues if the line continues further.
I would recommend attaching the top roll to the bottom roll, so that there is only one ‘object’ moving on the conveyor.

I would recommend attaching the top roll to the bottom roll, so that there is only one ‘object’ moving on the conveyor.<


If you are using Process Modeling, there is the Attach statement.
Otherwise, you could create a python script. There is an example on attaching two nodes together in the Help file under vcNode.

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