Sharing Python Modules via eCatalog

I do not personally own VC yet. I am currently doing research on different simulation tools for my company and I was wondering if it is possible to share your own python modules using eCatalogs.

I already read that it is possible to use python modules/libraries that are fully build in python by manually installing them and then importing them into the directory of your VC installation.
We are planning to create an eCatalog with our usual components. While doing this I would like to filter out often used logic into its own module. The module itself would be referenced by the python scripts of the components in the eCatalog.

I would assume that the additional module wouldn’t be shared by the eCatalog, right? Is there a way to achieve this without having to manually install the module on every pc?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Not really. Generally every vcmx file is independent and contains a copy of everything except geometries which can be loaded from other files. This avoids issues like versioning, but doesn’t allow any easy way to update things in already made layouts.