Routing rule (nested loop) demo example

Example of routing rule with nested loop condition. Here is the case:

  1. Car’s needs to be generated with stamped Properties.
  2. The user has the freedom to define the sequence of stamped properties with Behaviour - [Note]
  3. Created cars will come to the transition point of routing conveyor and the routing rule will define which way to route the car based on reading the stamped property in the car.
  4. 6 output ports and for each color there are 2 specific ports. If one is busy the car will be routed to the another one. But if both output ports are busy then the incoming dynamic component will be stuck in the transition point.
  5. Layout, Components, Feeder component(car.vcm) is attached hereby.
  6. A MS Word file and a PDF file is also attached with further explanation.

-Sicario (1.77 MB)

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Hello j_snow.
Nice solution and thank you for sharing it!

Is it possible to make a simular solution without conveyors now with VC 4.6?