I’ve not been able to solve this. I want to achieve a simple cable drawing tool. My idea is to manually place Frames and then extrude a circle from Frame to Frame with Python script.
Example: I place 3 Frame features and then expect one Extrude from f1 → f2, and one from f2 → f3.
I am successful in placing the start of each Extrude at the Frame PositionMatrix, but I fail at rotating the Extrude to point towards the next Frame. I have tried following the Yellow/Orange inverse matrix example in documentation, and also a bunch of different things with the N A O P properties on the PositionMatrix.
This is my code that only does half the job so far:
from vcScript import *
comp = getComponent()
app = getApplication()
t_frames = comp.findFeature("frames")
frames = [frame for frame in t_frames.Children]
t_cables = comp.findFeature("cables")
def doCable(radius, color, frames):
#cables_transform =
#comp.RootFeature.createFeature(VC_TRANSFORM, color+"_"+str(radius)+"mm_cable"
t_cable = t_cables.createFeature(VC_TRANSFORM, color+"_"+str(radius)+"mm_cable")
start_frame = frames[0]
for i in range(len(frames) - 1): # skip last iteration
#create features needed
cyl_extrude = t_cable.createFeature(VC_EXTRUDE, "ext")
cylinder = cyl_extrude.createFeature(VC_CYLINDER, "cyl")
cylinder.Height = 1
#get this frame and the next
this_frame = frames[i]
next_frame = frames[i+1]
#postion each extrude wisely, starting in this frame
pm = this_frame.PositionMatrix
diff_vec = next_frame.PositionMatrix.P - pm.P
cyl_extrude.Length = diff_vec.length()
pm = cyl_extrude.PositionMatrix
print "angle: ", pm.N.angle(diff_vec) * (180/3.141)
deg_A = pm.A.angle(diff_vec) * (180/3.141)
deg_N = pm.N.angle(diff_vec) * (180/3.141)
#deg_O = pm.O.angle(diff_vec) * (180/3.141)
cyl_extrude.PositionMatrix = pm
doCable(20, "blue", frames) # creates a blue cable with radius 20 mm between the frames