RobotBaseNode get always resetet to *WORLD*


why, when I start simulation my RobotBaseNode always get resetet to World? -_-

Thx & Regards

Hi, is your roboter connected to a Transport Controller?
In this case the Base 1 is used for the HelperLinearMove and HelperJointMove sequences, so it will be automatically changed when the simulation starts.


hmmmm ok thats true. → So I defined a new Base “RootBase” which should be the new standard with my defined node, where the node is remebered! :slight_smile:


So I ran into the problem when I define in Program-Tab in Jog-panel my new Default-Base it’s getting changed to the one the Node is switched when I run simulation… -_-


When reset simulation it jums back to my RootBase…

Thx & Regards