Returning products to main conveyorline from sideline without stopping mainline

I have a conveyor system that consists of two different lines. If there is something wrong with a product it is directed from mainline to a sideline where it gets fixed by a robot. After product is fixed it should return to the mainline in the next free open space (open spaces are created when product is directed to the sideline). The mainline must stay in motion all the time. I tried to use conveyor Y-merging component from library but it stops the mainline and also products keep disappearing instead of returning to the mainline. So how could this be done? I attached a picture that hopefully clears this up. In the picture green boxes are good products, red boxes are products that need to be fixed, light green box is product that has been fixed and yellow rectangles represent places where products can be returned.


uploading the layout would make it so much easier to help you with this issue…


Yes sorry I didn’t originally upload the layout as it also has problems with the timing of returning the products in proper gaps. This is the best version that doesn’t crash the program I have come up so far. Right now the mainline keeps stopping when product from the sideline is going to join the mainline. The timing is also far from what it should be as right now most of the empty gaps are not filled but this is the only way I have been able to make it work but that is a different problem. So yeah I would like to know if there is a way to keep the mainline from stopping.
conveyorline_test.vcmx (1.1 MB)


have you seen that the “Conveyor Merging-Y” has a property called “Priority” maybe play around with it a litte… :slight_smile:

Do you need other logic? How do you think merging the two pathes should happen?

Best Regards

Yeah I tried all 4 options in priority property and none of those work as I would like. The movement on the main line needs to be continuous. Right now no matter which priority I choose it stops at some point to let product from the sideline join the mainline.

I actually managed to solve this issue. I disconnected the “Conveyor Merging_Y” from the mainline so it is only connected to the sideline and then put a regular conveyor on top of that which is connected to the mainline. Kinda stupid solution but hey it works. Thank you for your answers anyway I appreciate it. Still got some work do be done with the timing logic.


you’re welcome! :slight_smile:

That was what I meant with “How do you think merging the two pathes should happen?” → Maybe the standard-logic is not that bad… :wink: → How should a crossing without a trafficlight work?

For realise your wish I think it be necessary to modifiy the phyton scripts of the Y-Conv. → But that’s some work…


I got the merging itself to work as I wanted :slightly_smiling_face: To make the timings work I think I would need a timer that runs on parallel with rest of the simulation. That has been proven to be quite difficult but it is another topic for the python section if I can’t figure it out myself.
conveyorline_test_V2.vcmx (1.2 MB)


yes a timer or some other “traffic logic”…

