RenderAnimation Files


I’m rendering a simple simulation and then opening the file in Blender 4.2…
I saw in videos that you have to select a file to be changed by the video generated from the render and I’m using any video for this. My problem is that when I click on render animation as shown in the video, it is not generated anywhere, I tried to select a photo and make a render, but it does not generate anything either, can anyone help me please?

I’m not quite sure what you’re doing, but I can tell you how I implanted the emulation program into Blender.
First of all, if you downloaded the Blender plugin from the forums, I would recommend that you use versions 3.X through 3.6.9, as the plugin doesn’t seem to be compatible with the 4.X version.
In the “Advanced” screen, open the “Open in Blender” option, go to the “Animation” screen, adjust the start time and each parameter, check the RecAnimation checkbox, run the simulation environment (if your simulation is not minimalist, he will be a little bit laggy when the start time is up), wait until the run time reaches the end time, the RecAnimation checkbox will automatically become False. at this time, you can click the RenderAnimation button (note that it’s not a checkbox), he will automatically open Blender for you and generate a .blend file in the cache (save it to another location if necessary).

Thanks! I will try this…