Products from other Flow group to New Flow group

Hii all,

I have product A in Flow group #1, and B in Flow group #2. Now I need to take both A and B to a machine one by one to process together in the machine in a New Flow group.
How do I do this?

Kindly help me.

You need to change the type of the products. Can be done with the ChangeType statement.

Noo… I mean I want the same product that ends at flow group #1 and #2 to continue as an input in the new flow group…
How to do that ?

According to me, if u create two different flow groups in process tab, it may work

It does not work. Because I am not able to use the same product in New Flowgroup which I used in Flow group #1 and #2.

You can either:

  • attach one of the product to the other in the process, and continue in the FlowGroup of the parent product (so you would only require 2 Flow Groups)
  • create an Assembly (in your 3rd Flow Group) containing both products. You can use a Construct Statement to construct it in your process. The 2 products are now part from this assembly and you can define the next steps of the flow in its FlowGroup.
  • Copy your product in a new FlowGroup and use the ChangeType statement to change the products 1+2 in product 3

nn.vcmx (204.3 KB)
hi, once chk if u arrange flow group like this in process tab, it may help u as per my knowledge