I’ve struggled with this before and typically can toggle the correct area to get the results I want, but today I am again stumped. I created a basic shape, then a pattern of 27 (3x3x3). I then attached each to each other so I could get them out of my feeder. All properties are consistent (one would think). I then convey to a stop, pick group of products and place on to another conveyor. I would like the group to continue to act as a group, but three products are resistant. I’ve looked at Accumulation, SpaceUtil, RetainOffset. This image is with SpaceUtil off (best results I could get).
I’ve looked in Behaviors and messed around with the different Paths (Auto, Gen, +X, etc…) - nothing changes the outcome.
Why do these 3 not act like the other 24 when everything was created the same way? This program is frustrating.