Product Id generation

How can i assign a product id for a componet creater by the feeder.
For example.
I am having one single feeder making cylinder, pallet and boxes.
I want to assign a product id 111 to cylinder, 222 to pallet and 333 to boxes.
How to do that?


You can use the Advanced Feeder for this purpose.

Hello, thanks i tried that.
i am also having a robotic controller in the simulation that picks and places the product. But due to some reasons i am not able to create a flow from advanced feeder to robotic arm for pick and place.
The product is flowing from the advanced feeder until the robotic arm but the robotic arm is somehow not responding to pick and place the products
Any idea to resolve it??

Advanced Feeder can only create components and not products. If you are using Process Modeling, you need to have Products.
You should not need ProdID in Process Modeling flow, but you can add the property in the Product Type Editor.
Right-click a product type component properties and add new, then create a string property named ProdID. Use the Process Flow Feeder or Feeder PRocess to create these product types.