Product Creator in an imported Excel file

I am using PM with VC4.3premium. Regarding FeedMode, I know there is a table type, but I failed to import it using a table.

1234557.csv (9.1 KB)
1234557.csv (9.1 KB)
How should I set it up so that I can enter it correctly? I need your help, thanks.

It needs to be a .xls file with exact Product Type names in column A and creation times in column B. No headings or anything else should be used.

You can’t have the xls file open in Excel or any other program that locks it when you select or reload it in VC.

1234556.xls (9.1 KB)
Hi friend,like this?

That is not a valid xls file.

Hi friend,
I probably got it when you explained it like that. It should be that this file is corrupted. I used another file and it worked out. Thanks.