Physics Cable


VC 4.0 has some great physics options and there is even an option to create physics cables. However, this cable is round but I would like to have a square cable like this:

Is this possible to create a physics cable in this shape?



Nope. The current iteration is just meant for simple cables that can be rendered using capsules.


At present the Physics cable is limited to round cable shape.One thing you can try out is by using the Gudel travel track in the eCatalog which has a drag chain in its track.You can extract the same from it and use.

I will look into it and see if i can come up with something…


That’s indeed the way I already have it but my machine has an X and a Y axis and at the Gudel travel track, it only has one axis.

This means that the curve can be at different locations and can have a different angle.






I tried to use this feature but my computer keeps crashing over and over when I try to manipulate the pieces. What can I do?

Thank you.