Palletizing: Multi-Pick and Multi-Place


I am attempting to simulate a palletizing cell. I am trying to pick two cases and then place those two cases on the pallet. I am using a Bunder Point to group the pair of cases. I have the Robot Transport Controller set to have a capacity of (2), Multi-Grasp is enabled, and I have tried all of the MultiPickStrategies (One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-One, Many-to-Many).

As I have it currently configured, the EOAT grasps the bundled cases. However, when the cases are placed they instantly change orientation from touching on their long sides to being stacked one on top of another.

Does anyone know how I can go about the task of picking two cases and then placing two cases on the same layer?

Simulation.vcmx (1.0 MB)