I want to paint product which is fed by extarnal (gantry ) system. When you open the project i have sent, you will see product is changed color immediately, not step by step. Also after spin stop,color is return first situation with all the same product are changed at the same time.
I think the issue is the geometry of your component. For example, the topology and faces of the geometry have issues with some being inverted. This is something a cleaning or analysis tool in the native CAD editor should detect and fix with the model prior to import. I checked with different model and tried cleaning your component in Visual Components best I could, but how and where the paint is to be applied is probably unknown to the paint gun since the bottom of the part and top seem to have face plane intersection and several seem to have surface normal issues.
hello,my VC version is 4.6,but I find that the demo you offered can’t run correctly,it seems that the method “makeUnique()” in component is deprecated.
Damn it!
I modified the @Popeye layout in VC 4.7. Check the script in the Feeder. A couple things worth mentioning. First, in process modeling the product creator has an event for when a product is created. From there, I used a workaround made by @jouha so the dynamic components don’t act like turd burglars when paint is applied and you rerun the simulation.