Operator pick from multiple locations


Does Anyone know if there is anyway to make operator pick components at two locations and place them at one location?

Kindly advise.


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For the operator to carry 2 products at once, you need to change two things.

  1. Set the operator transport capacity to 2
  2. Start 2 Transport Ins from the destination process using StartTransportIn and WaitTransport statements.

carry2_example.vcmx (1.9 MB)


sorry to dump an old thread, but there has to be a better way for this. What if I want to transport 100s of products on a Trolley like this, do I have to Paste StartTransport in every instance?
Thank you in advance!

For larger use cases like that, I would consider using process modeling missions. There, you can define how and where operators pick and place different products.

You can check the Academy for more info on missions.

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