NET. Can you save data to VCMX files and extract the data saved to VCMX files?

Hey guys,
I’m currently doing NET.Want to save data to VCMX file, and read or extract my data saved in VCMX file, can it be achieved? Is there a case?

Do you mean adding arbitrary data like your own files to the vcmx file?

There is IPackFolder API which allows including whole directory of files together with layout (ILayoutPackFolder layout item), or part of component (ISimComponent.PackFolder).

For simpler data you can create a layout item of type ILayoutPropertyList, and into it a string property which can then contain any serialized data in e.g. xml or json format.

Yes man, put arbitrary data into a vcmx file, is there a case for me to refer to?

If by “case” you mean an example, I don’t have any for you.

This is python based, but you get the idea: vcPackFolder

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Thank you very much,
I still have a question that is, after the VC software loads the vcmx file, which code does NET. use to bind the trigger function? I know Python is “OnFinnal”, but it’s not clear what the code for NET. is?
