Mobile Cobot twirls when picking up items


I have an autonomous mobile robot with a cobot controller attached to the top of it. I am using this to create an automated manufacturing cell. Currently, the mobile robot goes to the locations in the process flow and picks up the objects. However, once it picks it up, it does a bunch of “twirls” and unnecessary movements when placing it on itself that make the simulation look bad. I want the cobot to just pick the object up and set it down on itself (the mobile robot) in one clean motion. Is there a way to change how the robot is picking things up and placing them at each point in the flow?

Side note: I’d Ideally like for the robot to pick it up from the side of the object instead of over top, is there a way to do this as well?


I don’t use the flow feature much, and I think you may need to go ahead and tweak the properties in the placement points and flow paths to fix the stance issue you’re talking about.
Regarding the you side note, this I do know. You can turn on the UseCustomParameters checkbox in the flow path and then modify PickApproachDirection to modify the grabbing stance. :melting_face: