Hello everyone, I am using VC 4.6 and I am trying to model a process, where a mobile robot resource goes to a process node, loads the product, that has been created there and waits next to that process node until a signal is set to true before it delivers the product to the next process node.Is there a way to accomplish this with Process Modeling Statements and without using Python scripts?
Thanks a lot in advance to everyone!
Hello, with Missions you can do it, but it’s only available for VC 4.7 and above…
Otherwise you could try to add a process node where you want your mobile robot to wait with TransportIn, WaitSignal and TransportOut statements. You can then delete the PickApproach and PlaceApproach for this process, in the TransportLinks (Flow Editor), or in the Mobile Robot Transport Controller.
Hello Tilma,
thank you very much for your advice. Unfortunately we are stuck with VC4.6, so the Missions-Module is not available for us (so far).
But I like your idea with the additional fake process node. I will give it a try!
If there are other tasks and the mobile robot tries to drive away instead of waiting, you can also add a resource reservation in your fake process : Resource Reservation | Visual Components Academy
I tried your approach with the additional process node. Unfortunately what I didn’t think of either is, that the mobile robot will put the product to the process node. But what it should do instead is to just wait there. How can I achieve to prevend the mobile robot from putting the product?
Visually you can do as if it weren’t unloading the product and loading it again, but without the Missions, you can’t have it just wait at some point with a product on it…
Example_Mobile Robot_Wait_4.6.vcmx (630.5 KB)
Unfortunately, there is a robot mounted on top of the moving platform, that starts moving, once the platform reached the waiting point
Instead of attaching the robot directly on the mobile robot, you could put it on a Robot Transport Controller and then attach the Transport Controller on the mobile robot. Then you can use the Load Assist/Unload Assist function where you want the robot to pick or place the product and nothing on the waiting point.
This sounds fascinating! Could you please provide me with the example layout of yours?
Don’t bother! I figured it out myself. This is working perfectly for me. Thank you very much, Tilma!