Link mechanism


HDC8000T_7.vcmx (35.7 MB) ,这是缩小后的组件


how do Link1 and Link4 moving translational with different speed? → They are driven from the same spindle?

By the way simplifing the model would be great, cause its very heavy! :wink:


Link 1 moves, causing link 2 to rotate, link 3 to rotate, and link 4 to move


How should this work, where is the DoF? → I can’t see…


Connection 1 moves horizontally, driving Connection 2 to rotate upward, Connection 3 to rotate upward, Connection 4 to rotate in the middle, and finally Connection 5 to move horizontally


Ok, I think I got it!

It’s symmetric you just have to solve on side and mirror the solution! :wink:


You are right. There is a GIF animation on it which can explain the principle of this machine. Do you have any way to help me define this mechanism?

I have an Idea to solve it but currently my normal work to do… :wink:

On your side I would start with:

  1. Clean up the whole model-geomtry (simplify, remove small stuff…)-> Make a clean start! → 210MB is quite heavy! :wink:
  2. I think you understood the mechansim (like me now too) :slight_smile: → Done
  3. Save the clean model before start with the kinematic
  4. Define the links and its structure
  5. Time for a handsketch for solving each link depending on the driving force
  6. Solve the kinematic problem with mathematics
  7. Put the solution to the links (or phyton-script) in a VC-way


Hi,brother,can you give me some advise ,or give me the module that already defined


I give you some advices how I would start! → We can discuss here but I have not the time to develop kinematics here for you, sorry.


hello~your solution resolve?i meet a similar problem. A linkage mechanism ,like this: