Lift Modelling

Hello! my friends,

I want made in picture by Lift Conveyor.

  1. Box move from 1st conveyor to 2th lift conveyor Left nr.1
  2. Box move from 1st conveyor to 2th lift conveyor Left nr.2
  3. Box move from 1st conveyor to 2th lift conveyor Left nr.3
  4. 2th lift move from Nr.1 to 3th conveyor
  5. 2th lift move from Nr.2 to 3th conveyor
  6. 2th lift move from Nr.3 to 3th conveyor
I moved frame and Overwrite.

I can’t

How should I make it?(ex, Python script, move frame, path setting… etc)

Tank you for my Q&A lesson

QA.vcmx (667 KB)

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