Problem Description:
I am using the “Int-Bool-Int Signal Mapper” component in Visual Components to map boolean signals to integer values and vice versa. However, I am facing an issue where only one bit of the output integer is being set, even though I expect multiple bits to be updated based on the input boolean signals.
I would like to use the port number to determine the position of each boolean value in an integer, where:
- The input port number determines the position in the integer value (e.g., port 0 maps to bit 0, port 1 to bit 1, etc.).
- The boolean signal from each input port should map to a bit in the resulting integer, turning the bit ON (1) if the signal is TRUE and OFF (0) if the signal is FALSE.
- The final result should be an integer where each bit represents the corresponding input port’s boolean signal.
Currently, I am only getting a single bit set in the output integer, and I am unable to combine multiple boolean signals into a single integer value. For example, if I have four input boolean signals, I expect the output integer to have a corresponding bit set for each input signal, but only one bit (the first bit) is being set.
Code (Modified Attempt):
from vcScript import *
comp = getComponent()
#Getting behaviors
inputs = comp.findBehaviour(“Inputs”)
outputs = comp.findBehaviour(“Outputs”)inputPorts = [comp.findBehaviour(“Input{}”.format(i)) for i in range(4)] # 4 input ports
outputPort = comp.findBehaviour(“Output”) # Single output portholdTime = comp.getProperty(“SignalHoldTime”)
numInputs = len(inputPorts) # Number of input signalsdef OnRun():
while 1:
# Wait for any input signal to be triggered
triggerCondition(lambda: any(input.Value for input in inputPorts))integerValue = 0 # Initialize integer value # Loop through all input ports to map them to integer for i in range(numInputs): portIndex = i # Get the port index (0, 1, 2, 3) signalValue = inputPorts[portIndex].Value # Get boolean signal # Map the boolean value to the corresponding integer bit if signalValue: integerValue |= (1 << portIndex) # Set bit if signal is True else: integerValue &= ~(1 << portIndex) # Clear bit if signal is False # Output the final integer value outputs.output(integerValue) # Delay to hold the value for a set time delay(holdTime.Value) # Reset the output signal outputs.output(0)
Could you please help me resolve the issue of correctly mapping multiple boolean signals into a single integer output? I would appreciate any suggestions or solutions for handling multiple input signals and combining them into a single integer output.