refer to this vcSelectionManager doesn't update Robot - #4 by TSy, I would be happy for recommendations to select a Robot-Statement over .Net Api like the User can do this over VC-UI.
Thx & Regards
refer to this vcSelectionManager doesn't update Robot - #4 by TSy, I would be happy for recommendations to select a Robot-Statement over .Net Api like the User can do this over VC-UI.
Thx & Regards
Try ITeachContext.SetActiveStatement(IStatementScope scope, int statementIndex)
Hy TSy,
doesn’t work. → I think this must happen by ISelectionManager (StatementSelectionHandler)… → But I don’t know how to handle the last two parameters in the constructor!
An example would be awesome!
What constructor do you mean?
You shouldn’t mess with the individual selection handlers. The selection manager itself updates the different handlers based on what types of objects you add and remove from selection.
In this case, it doesn’t work:
Note that the robot “jogs” to the selected motion statement position only if you have the Jog command enabled and this “auto jogging” has been enabled by certain application settings.
Use ITeachContext.ActiveRobotTarget.MoveToItem(statement) to move the robot like the UI does if all those requirements are filled.