Interactive VR for Customized SolidWork components on VC


I am currently using VC Premium 4.10 and VC Experience 1.7 to connect and view my simulation in VR (Meta Quest 3). While I have successfully connected and can see the simulation in VR, I am encountering an issue with interaction.

Specifically, whenever I try to interact with components created by my team in SolidWorks (e.g., chairs, tables, workstations), the interaction fails, and the following error message is displayed:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “DeviceController::PythonScript”, line 401, in vrEvent
File “DeviceController::PythonScript”, line 100, in do_tcp
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘Type’

This issue does not occur when interacting with models that exclusively use eCatalog components.

I would greatly appreciate any advice or suggestions on how to resolve this issue.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,


Did you make the components into VR interactive components?


Hello Lefa,

Thanks for your response.

Yes, I followed the steps and the outcome is as describes my original post.

Please test if this version of the controller works any better.
DeviceController.vcmx (22.7 KB)

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Yes, it works fine. Thank you

Great! I pushed the fix to the 4.10 eCatalog.