Image360 add-on


Image360 new version is created using Python API, decoupling from the VC version as much as possible

How to use

Open Image360 add-on, move Image360.vcmx component to desire position for taking images, click “Create” button, Image360 link will be generated.


Detail workflow

  1. Create 6 directions images
    Images are compressed and saved in the local disk, click “Folder” to check, folder name format Year-Month-Day_Hour-Minute-Second

  2. Upload to imgur
    You can modify it to your preferred website. Imgur.API library is used and there are too many third-party Python libraries that need to be used, so use C# console app instead, Image360Link.exe is responsible for uploading images to imgur and generating the final link, please notice that imgur is a public website, please refrain from using sensitive images, unless you have modify to your preferred website.

  3. Generate link for image 360 view
    You can copy html file to your preferred website. Pannellum library is used. Check more usage on

Add-on and Program.cs files are attached (291.3 KB)

Try it yourself

What’s your Image360 link? Share with us!



Thanks for this add-on it’s very cool and functional but I just have a question.
Isn’t possible to get the image in 360 what we created on the website to download this in the laptop and open with an software to read this for example ?



Pannellum only supports online, but I think this is very possible, I believe there will be some offline softwares that support viewing cubemap format, but need to find them. By the way, 6 directions images are saved in “Images” folder, click “Folder” button you will find them.

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