How to migrate layout to new VC version

One of the most common problems when upgrading to new VC version is that layouts won’t open properly if they were not saved with “Include Components” setting enabled. As result layout may be missing geometries in the new version. There are two ways to solve this:

  1. Open layout in old VC version and save it with “Include Components” enabled.
  2. Make needed components available in new VC version.

The following video shows the problem and both ways how to solve it. In the example we have migrated layout from VC 4.8 to 4.10.

The easiest way to make sure that your layouts open correctly on different platforms (different app version or different PC) is to enable “Include Components” setting. Downside is that layout files are bigger when you include component geometries like this on the layout. Also do note that minor releases use the same eCat and My Models folder so this operation is not needed. Minor version upgrade is for example installing VC 4.9.2 over 4.9.1.



Hello @keke ,
thanks for the warning befor upgrading. Do you know somewhere created a software tool to migrate layouts to 4.10 in the meanwhile? Greetings

I don’t quite follow. If you save layout with including components there’s no need for any migration tool as the model should open on new version as is.


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