How to get View class of WPF?

I’m using WPF, so I created myViewModel : DockableScreen and linked MyView : UserControl class. I wish to get access to MyView class in plugin, but I can’t find a direct way to MyView even from myViewModel

    public partial class MyListView : UserControl
        public MyListView ()


    class MyViewModel : DockableScreen
        public MyViewModel()
            this.DisplayName = "Example";
            this.PanelId = "ID";

In my Plugin, I found way to myViewModel like

IDockAwareWindowManager dockManager = IoC.Get<IDockAwareWindowManager>();
SwimLaneUmlViewModel DockScreen;
foreach (var dock in dockManager.DockPanels)
       if (dock.PanelId == "ID") DockScreen = dock;

Right now, I just save MyView into global variable, but it doesn’t feel right)

In the MVVM architecture (that VC also uses) there generally shouldn’t be a need to access the views. All “business logic” can be done in the viewmodel and the view reacts to changes through bindings defined in XAML.

If you need to add new visual elements, it can be done by instantiating the viewmodels and using e.g. ContentControl and Caliburn.Micro’s binding system to create the views for them.