I was trying to code a ComboEditorTool to get a list of actions, but I want to get it after pressing a checkbox. I ran into a problem because I can call the list but only after selecting an object in the 3D world(If I press the checkbox and I don’t select any component in the 3D World, the action is not executed, that means another problem which is always that I select another component the action is executed). My question is, there is a method to execute this action just after pressing the checkbox.
Thank you beforehand for your help.
I will leave the example code that I am using and a print screen of the action.
[Export(typeof(IActionItem))] public class PMcommand : ActionItem, IHandle<ItemSelectedMessage<ISimComponent>> { [ImportingConstructor] public PMcommand([Import(typeof(IEventAggregator))] IEventAggregator EAgregator) : base("PMCommandId", " PM command ", "", null, MenuTools.ComboEditorTool) { canExecuteAction = CanBeExecuted; EAgregator.Subscribe(this); } private bool CanBeExecuted() { if (PMCheckBox.isChecked) { return true; } return false; } public ObservableCollection<ComboItemBase> ComboItems { get; set; } public void Handle(ItemSelectedMessage<ISimComponent> message) { EvaluateCanExecute(); if (PMCheckBox.isChecked) { ComboItems = new ObservableCollection<ComboItemBase>(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ComboItemBase item = new ComboItemBase() { Parent = this, Content = "test" + i, Value = "layers" + i }; ComboItems.Add(item); } NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => ComboItems); if (selectedComboItem == null) { ComboItemBase currentSelection = ComboItems.FirstOrDefault(); selectedComboItem = currentSelection; } } else if (PMCheckBox.isChecked != true) { ComboItems = null; } } public static ComboItemBase selectedComboItem; public ComboItemBase SelectedComboItem { get { return selectedComboItem; } set { selectedComboItem = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => SelectedComboItem); } } } [Export(typeof(IActionItem))] [PartCreationPolicy(CreationPolicy.Shared)] internal class PMCheckBox : ActionItem { [ImportingConstructor] public PMCheckBox([Import(typeof(IEventAggregator))] IEventAggregator EAgregator) : base("PMCheckBox", "PM checkbox", "", null, MenuTools.CheckBoxTool, true) { EAgregator.Subscribe(this); } public static bool isChecked; public bool IsChecked { get { return isChecked; } set { isChecked = value; } } }