How to create more options for BufferMode in a Buffer process statement

Hi everyone,

Is it possible to more options for BufferMode of a Buffer process statement:

I want to add more options such as SPT (shortest processing time), LPT (longest processing time), and OLDP (longest time in the system) in addition to FIFO and LIFO. My aim is to perform some simulation experiment where Sequencing rule is a parameter.


The first 2 sequencing rules are already in VC i am looking for how to implement the last 3 sequencing rules.

Thanks in advance.


It is not possible to change the behavior of the built-in statements, only to reimplement something similar from scratch using Python API.

Some of the “buffer” eCat components have such custom Python-based buffer statements, which you could modify to fit your needs.

Thanks for your response @TSy

I will checkout the buffer in eCat components.
