does anyone know how to implement the buttons of the ribbon in NET.to control the display and hiding of user controls? Is there code for implementation?
Hello, I recommend you to look into IActionItem and ICommandPanelAction interfaces.
I have the following sample project which shows how to do what you want:
SampleProject.zip (41.9 KB)
Hope it helps.
great, I’ll go learn this case
thank you very much for your answer, I’ve implemented this feature, but there’s a small issue. It is this UI interface that will be reset when switching functions (for example, switching to the starting function interface in the connectivity function interface). Can I set this interface not to be reset or refreshed when switching functions?
In the attached project I show something similar to the statistics dashboard which maintains the same view model every time is opened. Take a look at how the MyActionItem opens a window having MyDockableScreenViewModel within it.
Hope it helps.
SampleProject2.zip (52.9 KB)
that’s awesome! I’ll go learn this case, really thanks!