Get license/product key info

To get information about a product key/license, you can use the LicensingHelper class. Here is a code example and I attached a visual aid. If anyone knows how to use the ILicensingService or a simple way to get LicenseInfo object, please share.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using Caliburn.Micro;
using VisualComponents.Create3D;
using VisualComponents.UX.Shared;
using VisualComponents.Licensor;

namespace Example001
    public class MyScene : IPlugin
        private IApplication app = null;

        public MyScene([Import(typeof(IApplication))] IApplication app)
   = app;

        void IPlugin.Exit()

        void IPlugin.Initialize()
            IMessageService ms = IoC.Get<IMessageService>();
            String key = LicensingHelper.ProductKeyFromLauncherConfig;
            IProductKey pk = LicensingHelper.GetActiveStandaloneProductKey(key);
            String msg = "";
            msg += "Activation Ends: " + pk.CurrentActivationEnd + "\n";
            msg += "Evaluation Time Left: " + pk.EvaluationTimeLeft + "\n";
            msg += "Expiration Date: " + pk.ExpirationDate + "\n";
            msg += "Maintenance End Date: " + pk.MaintenanceEndDate + "\n";
            msg += "Activation Time Left: " + (pk.CurrentActivationEnd.Value - DateTime.Now).Days;

            ms.AppendMessage(msg, MessageLevel.Warning);