Generic Articulated Robot Cabling

Generic Scara Robot Cabling is also available in eCat 4.9

Generic robot cabling for 6 axis articulated robot, it’s available in 4.9 eCat now, equipped with slide, stiffness and offset functions

  1. Attach to 6 axis articulated robot’s axis 3
  2. Adjust this component to desired position
  3. Press ‘SnapJ6Offset’ to snap at the offset of the cable end
  4. Adjust the factors to achieve the desired curvature





Thanks for sharing. Could you tell me how to achieve this

hi @chaochaovc

you can find it in category robot tools, visual components. check the meta data for “how to use” description (you can also see the steps in the top post) and key properties:

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Yes, thank you very much