Fork lift not working

Hello all I am trying to programme the LGV forklift resource however it seems to not be pircking up the chosen pallet and placing it onto the next works process as required, I keep getting the following errors: ‘Error found in component Works Process: Component Works Process not connected’
'Error found in component Works Process: Process is not spending time: Factory 1.vcmx (2.7 MB)

I do not know what is causing this, any help would be appreciated.

I managed to get it working however I am stuck on getting the cartesian gripper to grab to pallet; I chnaged the ID from 111 to 112 and used the correct need and feed outputs. However the gripper is not picking it up. Factory 1.vcmx (3.5 MB)


Please check the updated layout. It’s working now.Factory 1-updated.vcmx (3.6 MB)

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I managed to solve the issue beforehand by deleting the task and redoing it but thanks anyway. :+1:

Good to know :grinning: