Export 3D Layout to Geometry Failure


I’m currently having problems when exporting 3D layout to a single step file with the standard Export to Geometry tool.

I’m only able to export 1-2 components at a time to a single step file but I’m not able to export whole layout (around 200 components) into one step file (program crashes down).

Is there a way to export whole layout to a single step file?

Hi @saqu

I don’t think there is any specific limit to creating exports.
Have you checked if the problem is with your computer running out of memory or some similar issue related to hardware?


I think it’s not a hardware issue. I have tried to export with different PCs. I’m mainly working with the Premium 4.2 version and now I tried to export with the Premium 4.3 version and with that the export was succesful. Can it be version failure?

However the generated step file size is quite big (1.5 GB; the size of the original vcmx file is around 68 000 KB) and I’m not able to open the step file with Siemens NX. With Solidworks I can open the step file but the step file is “empty”. The structure tree of the step file/CAD model is correct but all the components inside the step file are empty (no geometry). So I don’t see the layout and its components in the Solidworks but I can see the structure tree.

I was wondering if this problem is related either to Visual Components or to the Solidworks?

And is it possbile to limit the step file size when exporting layouts to CAD geometries in Visual Components?

Thanks again!

Solidworks seems to have problems importing some STEP242 files. I have the same issue. Tried different import settings without success. eDrawings can open the file though.

Note: 1.5GB STEP is a lot. For me, import usually starts to get slow/crash above 500MB in Solidworks.