Execute Multiple RunRobotRoutine in parallel

I have a number of identical of cells that each have a single process statement. All of the Cells are in parallel within my flow steps and are each fed a single product.

Inside of each Process Executor, I have multiple Robots that I want to execute at the same time. If I put both RunRobotRoutines inside the ProcessExecutor, they run sequentially. How to I get them to execute in parallel? I thought about adding a new Process Routine inside the executor, but Im unsure how it will be handled with all the other cells containing other process routines.


Can’t be done with RunRobotRoutine statement nor by having multiple process implementations in same process executor.

You would need to do something like have the robots wait for a signal and then send that signal from the process, then wait for another signal from each robot when they are done.

Thanks, I was able to get this completed, with a single robot in the Process Executor, and connected the other robot with some signals.