Different Processing Time for each Part on same Machine

I have 3 different Parts which are the Flywheel, Spline Gear Wheel, and Forklift Assembly. These 3 parts will be going through the Lathe Machine and each will have a different Processing Time. I would like the machine to recognize the part it is working on and adjust its Processing Time accordingly.

I made a Product Feeder and used the batch feed method to feed the parts. How do I have the lathe machine change the Process Time with respect to the Part it is working on?

For Example, Processing Time for Flywheel is 10minutes, Processing Time for Spline Gear Wheel is 5minutes, and Processing Time for Forklift Assembly is 20mins.

Edit the process in the machine. There should be a delay statement which takes an expression for the amount of time to wait.
The expression can be e.g. ProductIn.MachiningTime where “MachiningTime” is a numerical product property you have defined in the Product type editor.

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I am new to VC, and I have a similar problem as Wen_Yu.

I have found the Delay statement, however I can not find the Product type editor. Is it in the Python Script?

Thanks in advance.

Right here. VC 4.2 doesn’t have the assemblies but you can create “Part” product types.

I would recommend going through these tutorials first.

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Thanks a lot for your help.

The problem is solved and the tutorial is very helpful.

If you are using the VC comes with Machines, generally just adjust the properties of the ProcessTime can be.

Create product property or component property (ProcessTime) for each product
In Delay statement
For product property, Expression: ProductIn.ProcessTime
For component property, Expression: ProductIn.Component.ProcessTime

You can write some of your own rules if you’re willing to alter the python script, here it’s simply categorized by name.

Hi, you can create properties in the Product Editor in the Process Tab → Right click on the “Product Properties” → “Add Product Property” → then define in the Property panel the name and type of the property :

Then in the Process of the machine, you can delete the “Custom Machine Process” and replace it by a Delay statement. In its statement properties, you can set the TimeSource on Expression, and write the Expression in the form : < VariableName >.< PropertyName >

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You can define as many Product properties as you need in the product, so you could have a product Property per machine for example.

I’m not sure I understand your question

If you need different process times in different machines, specific to each product type, you can add several properties in your product properties, for example like this :

and then in the machines, you set the Delay according to the product property you want to use. For example :

  • ProductIn.TimeProperty_Machine1 in the first machine
  • ProductIn.TimeProperty_Machine2 in the second machine
  • ProductIn.TimeProperty_Machine3 in the third machine
  • etc.

you specify the property you want to use in your expression

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Could you share a screenshot of the Product Type Editor panel and the Process Editor?