I was recently dealing with a group of engineers using Tecnomatix Process Simulate (PS), to be precise, because I was conducting their test session.
One of the problems I’m having is that, you know, there’s a feature in PS called “interfering bodies” which means the static intersection of two moving sweeps (no time involved), and the engineers I’m dealing with are very concerned about this, and it affects the ability to follow up and tell the field workers, as they do in PS: “This area interferes, please check”, I know how to make swept bodies in VC using OUT[81] but, I’m not quite sure how to do their intersection, you know, in fact, my first thought was boolean calculations, but after I set it up, no, I should say the software started crashing as soon as I put them together, I’m guessing it’s the surface calculations, but I haven’t figured out how to do that step yet.
Has anyone ever had any experience doing this step, waiting for anyone’s reply and thanks in advance!