Delay in between statements of process node

hi I have the following model with process nodes
the human will be unpacking the items from the big carton (which actually consist of 4 smaller carton)
is it possible to modify any of those 2 process node to make the human unpack 8 cartons then items amounting to 2 cartons then add a delay of a 120 seconds before continuing with the items amounting to the other 2 cartons from that same group of 4 then another 8 cartons without any more delay
since the items are assembled in groups of 4 within 1 big carton i am facing difficulty in simulating the delay… also note that the process node of unload item will delete the old assembly of parts as there was some difficulty in making the human unpack so many items within the carton and doing this way works

GHSim4-1.vcmx (1.2 MB)

any suggestions would be appreciated on how i can proceed, i have attached my model for better context