Conveyor Sensor: SignalAfterTimeLag → Stop Conveyor After Last Product Passes


I am trying to stop products on the infeed conveyor of the flow wrapper (FM 305) after the last product passes the conveyor sensor. I have the conveyor sensor TimeLagSignal connected to the PowerOnSignal of the FM305. The Time Lag is set to 4s - which is slightly longer than the time between leading edges so that if there is another product it resets the TimeLag. However, the TimeLagSignal never signals ‘True’ when the last product passes. Can you help me figure out how to stop the blue conveyor once the last product in a batch passes the conveyor sensor?

To run the simulation: Press the first button to send a series of products through (I recommend doing so at 10X speed), let ten or so stacks form, then press the button again to create the end of the product run.

Any help or suggestions on how I could alternatively accomplish this task would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

Simulation.vcmx (14.1 MB)

The TimeLagSignal works so that the signal goes to True when the SensorBooleanSignal is True for for 4s. To accomplish your logic, it’s best to either modify the TimeLagSignal logic in the sensor Python script or to create a simple process that does such instead.

I wanted to try how the process would look like, and I think it looks pretty good.

The delay between product stacks seems to be much longer than 4s, so I am unsure if it works as expected. Though now the conveyor stops after 4s of no products detected.
Simulation.vcmx (14.2 MB)

Hello Este, thank you for your help with this! Where does the timeout duration get set with this solution?