ComponentCreator functionality modified?

The thing is, I currently need to use the feature ComponentCreator to access a component in my folder (it’s a .stp file) and create it, but I’m not sure if this feature has been modified, as far as I can remember, when I was using the 4.6 version before, I would just select it directly, and he would write the path to the file by itself, but, now, when I use the 4.8, the component is generated directly after I do the same operation (I haven’t started the simulation yet) and there is no path written to the Part property of the ComponentCreator.
So, I’m very curious if this feature of ComponentCreator has been modified, I seem to have lost control over it at the moment. Thanks and waiting for anyone’s reply!

I would say that importing geometries dynamically during simulation is a bad practice. You should create components from them, save them as vcmx and then refer to those.

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Thanks for the reply, I did have a bit of a problem with what I was doing before.
However, I need to read a model that will be updated at any time while the simulation is in progress, do you think there is any other way?
Thanks again!

More in depth, this is because the way I currently get the model, will be through a 3D scanner, and I was wondering if I could automate the import process somewhat, rather than needing to save the model as a vcmx and then call it up each time.

You can probably still do it through API:

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Yes, I did try this python function, but the fact is that he, like Component_Creator’s part attribute, only accepts the path to the vcmx file that has been wrapped, and I’m currently trying to unzip the vcmx and then do the file replacement, but maybe there’s some kind of xml or something that isn’t being changed at the moment, and it’ll just report an error when it’s called.

Unzipping and editing vcmx files is a big no-no.

This works fine for me and the model appears into the world when I run the simulation.
Note the three slashes needed to define a file uri.

from vcScript import *

def OnRun():
  app = getApplication()
  loaded = app.load("file:///c:/temp/cali-bee.stl")
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I understand, I’m pretty much stopping my current operation and switching to your way of thinking. Thank you very much for your reply and have a nice day! :smiley: