I have a question about restarting the simulation from a component’s script.
In my application, I use a component’s behavior to detect when a specified simulation duration is reached. When this happens, I want to restart the simulation from the component’s script.
I tried doing this with the code below.
The simulation restarts, but it seems that the component behavior I used to restart the simulation is not running in the new simulation.
By tracing the execution, it appears that the script gets stuck at the instruction directly after app.startSimulation()
(in my case, it gets stuck at the beginning of the while
Do you have any idea what might be causing this issue?
Thank you.
from vcScript import *
import os
import datetime
# Gobal variables
global simInitTime
global timeReached
app = getApplication()
comp = getComponent()
def OnStart():
global simInitTime
print('On start Video Recorder')
# Initialize global variables
simInitTime = app.Simulation.SimTime
def OnRun():
global simInitTime
print("On run video Recorder")
# Initialize recorder
app.Recorder = VC_RECORDER_VIDEO
exportPath = comp.getProperty("ExportPath").Value
timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
app.RecordingFileName = "{}/video_{}.avi".format(exportPath, timestamp)
app.RecordingHeight = 1080
app.RecordingWidth = 1920
app.RecordingFrameRate = 25
app.RecordingShow = False
# Get relevant properties
exportVideo = comp.getProperty("ExportVideo").Value
videoDuration = comp.getProperty("VideoDuration").Value
simDuration = comp.getProperty("SimDuration").Value
isRecording = comp.getProperty("Recording").Value
while True:
isRecording = comp.getProperty("Recording").Value
simTime = app.Simulation.SimTime - simInitTime
if exportVideo:
# Start recording
if simTime > (simDuration*60-videoDuration) and not(isRecording):
app.Recording = True
isRecording = True
# Stop recording
if isRecording and simTime > simDuration*60:
app.Recording = False
isRecording = False
print('Stop recording')
# Stop simulation
if simTime > simDuration*60:
print("Reached Specified Duration of Simulation")
# comp.TimeReached = True
# app.Simulation.halt()
def createViewAnimation():
exportVideo = comp.getProperty("ExportVideo").Value
videoDuration = comp.getProperty("VideoDuration").Value
simDuration = comp.getProperty("SimDuration").Value
videoStartTime = simDuration*60 - videoDuration
if exportVideo:
# Get the view animator
item = app.findLayoutItem("ViewAnimation")
if not item:
item = app.createLayoutItem("ViewAnimation")
# Get the program executed by animator and clear its Main routine
prog = item.Program
routine = prog.MainRoutine
# Add view statements
# The view must exist in layout
# Otherwise you will need to create it using either View Editor in GUI or API
# Get vcApplication.Views to handle a list of user views
# Define the delay before switching to next view
vs = routine.addStatement(VC_STATEMENT_DELAY)
vs.Delay = videoStartTime
# Define the view
vs = routine.addStatement(VC_STATEMENT_VIEW)
vs.Delay = 0.0
vs.View = "View1"
# Get the view animator
item = app.findLayoutItem("ViewAnimation")
if not item:
# Get the program executed by animator and clear its Main routine
prog = item.Program
routine = prog.MainRoutine