My university recently upgraded our Visual Components Software from 4.8 Premium to 4.10 Premium.
However, we discovered a compatibility problem when we opened models developed with 4.8 premium in 4.10 premium. The geometries are not correctly displayed in the 3D world in 4.10 premium.
I have attached screenshots of the same models in 4.8 and 4.10 to showcase the problem. Also, some of the errors in the output panel have been attached.
I would appreciate any help solving this problem because we have transitioned to using version 4.10 Premium for all our educational and research activities. Since all of our Visual Components models were developed in version 4.8 Premium, this compatibility problem could significantly disrupt our ongoing projects.
You need to enable 4.8 legacy library so that layout finds geometries for 4.8 eCat models. More details on this forum post and its “Legacy Libraries” header:
Enabling legacies applies to 4.10 even if that post is for 4.9. With migrating layouts from one platform to another (new app version or different PC) its safest to save layout with “Include Components” option enabled.