Blender Addon Issue

Hey guys,
I’d like to use Blender on KUKA.SIM. I installed and added the Blenderer addon without any issues.
I followed this path:

*** Error in animation rendering call. ***
 - Make sure you first check "RecAnimation" check box
 - Then run simulation once until "RecAnimation" is automatically unchecked
 - Then hit "RenderAnimation"

I got these errors when I followed the path:

  File "file:///C:\Users\%users%\Documents\KUKA\KUKA Sim 3.1\My Commands\Blenderer_2_3_0__2023_09_14\", line 839, in CallStill
  File "file:///C:\Users\%users%\Documents\KUKA\KUKA Sim 3.1\My Commands\Blenderer_2_3_0__2023_09_14\", line 992, in CallBlender
  File "file:///C:\Users\%users%\Documents\KUKA\KUKA Sim 3.1\My Commands\Blenderer_2_3_0__2023_09_14\", line 968, in get_blender_exe_uri
TypeError: an integer is required

Do I need to change the code inside the file or what?

Thanks in advence

Check where your Blender application is installed. It seems that the addon cannot find the Blender.exe

where should I move it ?
thank you

Have you downloaded the blender body? The blender plug-in needs to be used with the blender body.

I downloaded these two in the link below

isn’t it enough?

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That is to say, have you also downloaded the blender application? Then, you can check whether there are unrecognizable characters in the path, and change the address of your Visual Components pointing to the blender to the address it should be.
屏幕截图 2023-10-26 161935