Augmented reality from Visual Components simulation with KUKA Mixed Reality App


KUKA has free KUKA Mixed reality App that is capable run Visual component recorded animation files (same ones that vc experience). So you are able to show and move around the simulation as in AR (vs VR) with your phone or tablet.

Quite easy test yourself:

  • Download app (KUKA mixed reality, free)
  • Download Animation file to phone
  • Open the animation file with the app (here the file appeared to the end of the LoadCell/SIM cell menu list)
    • Scroll list from ride side of the list.
  • Free placement (rotate and scale here)
  • Position ok
  • Run simulation
  • Walk around/inside the simulation.


I tried to download the installer of this software for you, there should be nothing wrong with it, I’ll give it to you as a web link.

Hey @luhan , which country are you trying to download it from?

The region restrictions are probably intentional due to different reasons such as legal and support, and generally shouldn’t be circumvented.


Agreed with TSy

Please download only from official sources. Due to this, I have edited the post which contained the download link.


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Understood, I hadn’t thought it through properly, thanks very much for the correction! :grinning: